Thursday, March 14, 2013

Prize Sponsored Promotion to raise ERK donations announced & New RNZWCS Banner incorporates ERK logo.

Rotary New Zealand World Community Service unfurled their newly designed banner which now incorporates the Emergency Response Kit (ERK) logo at South Pacific Presidents Elect Training Seminar held in Auckland last weekend. They also announced at the same time a special Emergency Response Kit (ERK) Promotion to help raise ERK awareness & donations with a prize sponsored by Monad Pacific Management Ltd of a week’s holiday accommodation at any of the thirteen holiday resorts they manage in New Zealand.

RNZWCS Emergency Response Kit display booth at SP PETS 
March 15 to 17, 2013 with the new Banner displayed in middle 
The ERK Promotion will specifically target Rotarians attending SP PETS or the combined Dist. 9920/40 Conference in Rotorua where the winner will be announced April 28, 2013 - see previous BLOG posting.

To participate Rotarians will need to visit the RNZWCS Display Booth at either SP PETS or Dist. 9920/40 Conference to make their paper note donation to ERK’s - then enter in the register their contact details and answer to this question “HOW MANY EMERGENCY RESPONSE KITS HAVE BEEN DISTRIBUTED IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS AFTER DISASTERS OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS ??? ”    

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