Sunday, October 21, 2012

Visiting Clubs in Palmerston North

Returning from GETs and Institute in Invercargill we headed north to visit the Rotary Clubs of Terrace End and Takaro.  Terrace End meets in a beautiful old building on Massey Campus.  We were privileged to have one of our Vocational Scholars from the States, here studying tomatoes, Jennie Smith, present at the meeting.  She is a wonderful ambassador for the States and if she has not spoken at your club she would make a great guest speaker.

The following night we visited the Takaro club in its new premises, which has a great range of projects and fund raisers.  There were a large number of guests present and two PHFs were awarded, one to a long standing club member and the other as a community award.

Both meetings were fun filled nights and brought a great finish to a busy couple of weeks.  Next week we will be staying closer to home with visits to clubs in the Wellington area.

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