Saturday, March 2, 2013

DG Update – Visit to Wanganui and New Plymouth

A very busy past week  traveling to Wanganui and New Plymouth to visit a number of clubs.  Our first visit was to Wanganui Daybreak where we were privileged to hear Mashu White Feather who lives on Cherokee land at the foot of the Smoky Mountains, Alabama, USA.  He is in New Zealand talking on Native Issues in the USA (Turtle Island) and comparisons with New Zealand.

From here we visited Wanganui Club where we heard recent RYLA and IYE participants speaking of their experiences and what they have learned.  It reminded us of the worth of these experiences and how they change lives.  Following the meeting we visited the Brooke Peace House and met with Gita Brooke and President Kate.   A post-graduate Brooke Scholarship has been developed within the auspices of Operation Peace Through Unity.  Any successful applicant will be able to study at the Brooke House in a peaceful environment to enable the scholar to extend their theoretical knowledge and insight which can be effectively be applied to the needs of the world.

We then travelled on to New Plymouth where we attended the Rotary Club of Fitzroy PHF night where PHF recipients from around the District were invited to attend.  This was a well attended night and it was good to see clubs in the area supporting this event.  It was also the opportunity to provide a Sapphire Pin to a long standing club member.  While in New Plymouth it was also the opportunity to visit the Pukekura Breakfast Club where 2 community PHFs were presented and also a visit to the New Plymouth Club to hear a presentation by Jan Lockhart Kay on her GSE/VTT Team Leader experience.  The week ended by attending the Taranaki 1 Presidents cluster meeting where it was good to hear about projects being undertaken and planned.

Taranaki 1 Cluster Presidents and AG

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