Thursday, March 28, 2013

DG Weekly Update - From Wanganui to the Wairarapa

As we relax over the Easter break writing this is a chance to reflect back on the week where Chris and I had the opportunity to visits clubs in Wanganui and the Wairarapa.  In Wanganui we presented a Community PHF award at Wanganui Daybreak  to Tony Cowan and at Wanganui Club to Dr Jonathan Hartfield.  These Community PHFs and were made to very worthy recipiants working in the entertainment and health sectors in Wanganui.

On Wednesday we visited the Wairarapa and presented a Community PHF to David Kershaw, a longstanding member of the community who has put a tremendous amount into the local community.  This was  joint Rotary/Lions meeting held at the beautiful Parehua Country Estate and it was great to see a large turn out from both these  organizations. Both organizations work well together in their community especially organising the Martinborough Fair.  We gave a presentation on our travels in Antarctica to this joint audience.

We are looking forward to welcoming the District 5370 GSE team from Canada when they arrive in Wellington on Monday then attending their welcome function on Tuesday night.

All the best for the coming week.

DG Graeme

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