Friday, May 17, 2013

Club Celebrations

Over the past week Chris and I have had the pleasure of attending our club's, the Rotary Club of Plimmerton, 40 year anniversary.  It reminded us of the long tradition that many clubs have in our District and the huge amount that they have contributed to the community over that time.  What was also remarkable was that we still have 2 foundation members active in the club and the number of past foundation members, including our foundation President, that turned up for the occasion.  On the same evening the Rotary Club of Wanganui South held its 50th year anniversary and it was a pity that we were unable to attend both events.  Our best wishes to both clubs for continued service in our communities.

On Tuesday it was also our great pleasure to be invited by the Rotary Club of Petone to the handing over of the Ambulance which is being sponsored by the club to go to the Solomon Islands.  The event took place at the Wellington Free Ambulance Headquarters and was attended by Defence personnel who will ship the ambulance to the Solomon's and also a representative from MFAT.  A great project supporting some of our less fortunate neighbors.

We also attended a special evening with the Rotary Club of Wellington North in the Khandallah Town Hall when they presented a Community Paul Harris Fellow to Beth Pethig for her outstanding services to the community.  This was a very special evening and again highlighted to Chris and I the huge amount of work that volunteers do in our community. Well done Wellington North.

We also had the opportunity for a get together with many of our District 9940 conference committee for a debrief of the conference and to again express our thanks for the amazing effort that both committees put in to ensure a successful conference.

Tomorrow is District Assembly and we will look forward to meeting many Rotarians from across our District at this very important training event.

All the best for the week ahead.

DG 9940

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