Thursday, March 14, 2013

DG Travels - Travelling the Length of the Country.

The past week has seen Chris and I traveling up to Auckland where we caught up with our fellow DGs on Waiheke Island. 

 This was a time to relax and an opportunity to get together to discuss our year to date and exchange ideas.  Top of the topics discussed was building strong clubs.  We agreed that if we build strong and dynamic clubs – membership will follow.

We also had the opportunity to attend several sessions of SP PETs and meet the new PEs.  It was great to see all of our Districts participating in SP PETS again this year.  This reminded of the huge opportunities for Districts across New Zealand to work together on a number of key projects and initiatives. 

During the week we visited the rotary Club of Wellington where we heard Tom Thorfinnson speak.  Tom was the Director Rotary International 2009-2011, and Rotary International Vice President 2010-2011.  He spoke on the topic of ‘Rotary International, Back to the Future’, in which he emphasised the need for change in Rotary to make it more relevant in today’s world.

You can see Tom’s speech here:

He challenged us on our traditional thinking of Rotary and the need for more flexibility in the way we operate our clubs.  It was a refreshing and thought provoking speech that re-emphasised our theme of Pushing Boundaries and Making Change Real.

Chris, I  and at number of Rotarians also heard d’Arcy Lunn speak on the Global Poverty Project to publicise Polio and support Rotary to eradicate this dreadful disease. This was an excellent presentation and d’Arcy would welcome the opportunity to speak to clubs.  He is The End of Polio campaign, Country Manager - New Zealand, Brunei Darussalam and Pakistan.

The week rounded of with Chris and I attending the Rotary Club's of Hutt City and  Port Nicholson.  At Hutt City we were pleased to present 2 PHF's including to AG Carol Green and at Port Nicholson we attended their Goal Setters awards where 3 young people received bursaries to further their studies.  Several PHFs were awarded, as was a Foundation award to Christopher Robertson for Meritorious Service to the Foundation.  A great night and way to finish the week.

All the best for the coming week.

DG Graeme

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