Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Quieter Week In Wellington

This week has seen a quieter week back in Wellington with visits to three clubs.  On Monday night we visited Johnsonville Club where we presented a community PHF and two long service awards to Club members.  The club runs a very successful annual book sale where they raise around $20k for club projects.

On Tuesday we have visits to Wellington Central and Mt Victoria Clubs.  Wellington Central is a lunch club and run their very successful Circus Quirkus children's activity.  Money from this very successful project is channeled back into their Charitable Trust where people can apply for funds for projects that benefit youth.

In the evening we visited the Mt Victoria Club, a small club that runs a variety of meeting formats during the month.  Again they have a very successful project with their $5 note fundraising project - selling signed notes by Sir Edmund Hillary.

The week finished with a visit to the Hutt Valley Club to present a certificate to Joanna Newlove for completing the Rotary Leadership Institute Course - well done Joanna.

Another great week where we saw the power of Rotary and great projects being run in the community.

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