Sunday, January 27, 2013

RYLA 2013

Christine and I were privileged to spend time at RYLA which concluded on Sunday.  This was another great event where 52 tallented young leaders came together to learn and enhance their leadership skills.  It was an amazing week and we were left feeling that New Zealand is in great hands with this group of great  people.

On behalf of District I would like to thank Wendy Betteridge and her team from the Rotary Club of Plimmerton for hosting this years and the previous two years events.  Also to the group of young Rylarians who help run the event, their energy and commitment to the project is tremendous.  Next year the Rotary Club of Port Nicholson will be taking over the running of the event for the next 3 years and I would like to wish Steve and his team all the best for the next three years.

Below is a small selection of photos from the event.


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