Saturday, January 5, 2013

Makino Rotary Working Through Christmas

Not all of New Zealand Rotary is on holiday over the Christmas /New Year period. Friday evening 4 January saw the official opening ceremony of start of the first rounds of the 2013 World Orienteering Cup and the Oceania Orienteering Carnival

Over 1000 competitors from 28 countries gathered at Manfield Park, after the usual powhiri and speeches they were treated to a variety of rural activities like sheep shearing, aerial top dressing demonstration where half a tonne of lime was dropped onto the Manfield turf and a rural themed “competition” where teams had to drive nails into a log, change a tire on a quad bike, roll a wool bale and go apple bobbing.

Makino Rotary was there providing a genuine Kiwi BBQ for nearly 200. Showing the Rotary flag and raising over $1500. Not a bad effort for a night’s work.

Kindly supplied by Chris Dungan

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