Sunday, January 20, 2013

Magic Day With Rotary - Wings Over Wairarapa

At the invitation of the Rotary Club of Carterton Chris and I were invited to help out at 'Wings over Wairarapa' today.  This gave us a great opportunity to see a number of clubs in the Wairarapa assisting with a great event to help raise funds for their many projects.  It was also the opportunity to have some fun and friendship with Club members.     A near perfect day meant for a large crowd of young and old.

After some time on the gates we were hosted by AG Nicky and PDG Alastair Orsborn to watch  an amazing display of vintage and modern aircraft.  Without doubt the highlight would have to be the Mosquito and the final flypast was a very moving event.

It was a great day and good to see the clubs in the Wairarapa all working together on this great event.  Our thanks to all the clubs in the Wairarapa for their hospitality and Nicky and Alastair for treating us to this very special event.
Mosquito with some of the original pilots who flew these planes
during the 2nd WW and some of todays pilots


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