Friday, January 11, 2013

Planning for the Next Six Months

Chris and I have had a quite week this week catching up on a number of chores around the house that have been neglected over the past 6 months.  It has also be an opportunity to catch up on some Rotary emails, filing, and planning for the next six months.  Here are just a few of the events taking place over the next few months:

Projects Day 2011 - Petone Dune Weeding
Rotary District Projects Day on 23 and 24 February.  Since the success of District 9940 Project days since 2009, our District has put this date in our calendar.  

District Conference, Rotorua, ANZAC weekend. – Plans are now all in place with all guest speakers arranged and the programme set.

GSE Team from Canada
GSE team from District 5370.   The GSE team arrives in early April for a month, finishing up at our District conference.   

Tom Thorfinnson to Visit Wellington.  Following South Pacific President Elect Training, key note speaker Tom Thorfinnson, will visit Wellington on Monday 11 March prior to returning to the US where he will give a talk at the Rotary Club of Wellington. 

Russian Friendship Exchange.  In March a Friendship Exchange team from Russia will be visiting our District. 

Next week it will be back down to business at work and with several Rotary Club visits planned.



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