Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas Break

It was good to have several weeks Christmas break during which it was a great opportunity to catch up with family and friends.  

We had Christmas in New Plymouth this year and  there was a good opportunity for some bike riding to work of Christmas lunch.

Following Christmas we had New Year in Turangi with friends.  Time for some trout fishing which were somewhat scarce this year although we did have enough to smoke and have for dinner on New Years Eve.  

Returning to Wellington we took the time to travel back via the Forgotten Highway and a night in the Whangamomona Pub - one of those things we have had on the bucket list for some time.

Now that we are back at home there is time to catch up on some work around the house, some Rotary Business, and a few walks including a trip to Matiu/Somes island.

We look forward to catching up with you all in over the coming weeks.

Enjoy your break and safe travels.

Chris and Graeme

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