Saturday, September 3, 2011

Rotary Leadership Institute Training 3rd September

A Rotary Leadership Institute training day was held in Wellington on 3rd September.  This was for participants taking Module 2.  Twelve of the original 18 participants who had undertaken Module 1 turned up for this course.  Organised by Jan McCann, Helen Hancox and Martin Garcia, it was a very successful day with much learning, discussion and fellowship.  Topics covered during the day included:

  • Leadership Planning and Goal Setting
  • Rotary Foundation
  • Communication Skills
  • Membership Recruitment
  • Vocational Service/Ethics
  • Analysing Your Rotary Club
Judging by the feedback this was a very successful day enjoyed by the participants and facilitators alike.

Session on rotary Foundation led by PDG Howard Tong

Participants in the course

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