Thursday, April 4, 2013

Update on Polio Cases this Year

Officially reported wild polio virus cases on 26 Mar 2013

Total global cases in 2013: 16 (compared with 36 for the same period in 2012)
Total in endemic countries in 2013: 16 (compared with 33 for the same period 
in 2012)
Total in non-endemic countries in 2013: 0 (compared with 3 for the same 
period in 2012)
  • Nigeria: 10 cases in 2013 (compared with 13 for the same period in 2012), 
  • onset of paralysis of most recent case: 24-Feb-13
  • Pakistan: 5 cases in 2013 (compared with 15 for the same period in 2012), 
  • onset of paralysis of most recent case: 12-Feb-13
  • Afghanistan: 1 case in 2013 (compared with 5 for the same period in 2012), 
  • onset of paralysis of most recent case: 31-Jan-13
  • Niger: 0 case in 2013 (compared with 0 for the same period in 2012), onset 
  • of paralysis of most recent case: 15-Nov-12
  • Chad: 0 case in 2013 (compared with 3 for the same period in 2012), onset 
  • of paralysis of most recent case: 14-Jun-12

· Total global cases in 2012: 223
· Total in endemic countries in: 217
· Total in non-endemic countries in: 6

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