Friday, April 5, 2013

DG Weekly Update - the GSE Team Arrives

It was great to see the GSE team arrive last Monday in Wellington.  On Tuesday a District welcoming function was held at the Wellington City Council Chambers attended by the Mayor of Wellington Celia Wade-Brown and the Honorable Hekia Parata, Minister of Education - see earlier BLOG story.  The first host Club was Wellington Harbor City and the GSE team gave their first formal presentation at the Clubs Wednesday meeting.  From here the team transferred to the Rotary Club of Plimmerton and Chris and I were able to catch up with them all over an informal dinner where we heard their presentation.

We have also selected to candidates to attend the Peace Forum in Hiroshima in May, Faye Elliott sponsored by District and from the Takaro Club and Samuel Stevens sponsored by and from the Wellington Clubs.  Our congratulations to Faye and Samuel and we look forward to hearing from them on their return.

Chris and I also had a speedy trip up to New Plymouth where we addressed the Taranaki 1 Cluster and New Zealand Institute of Surveyors on experiences in Antarctica.  It is always pleasurable to return to clubs at a more relaxed meeting.  We have also been busy preparing for our Joint District conference which is now only 3 weeks away.

All the best for the coming week.
DG Graeme

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