Friday, April 12, 2013

DG Weekly Update - Club Visits

With only 2 weeks until conference the conference committees have been putting the final touches on the conference details.  For Chris and I it has also been another busy week.  On Monday we visited the Wellington Club lunch meeting where I presented a Rotary Vocational Award to Geoff Bascand in recognition of his work chairing the vocational committee and establishing the annual Wellington Rotary Forum which has significantly raised the profile of Rotary and the Wellington Club in the Wellington Region.

In the evening we attended a joint Johnsonville - Tawa Robbie Burns night where we had the opportunity to present a Centurion Club Award to the Johnsonville Rotary.  This was a great fun filled night with many Kilts evident.

Tuesday was one of those too rare Tuesday nights where I was able to attend my home Club Plimmerton.  As time permits it is always great to get along to Plimmerton and catch up on goings on.  On Wednesday night we were at Harbour City Rotary where we gave one of our Antarctic Presentations to club members.  Thursday was a meeting of our conference committee.  All plans are in place for a great conference and we are just down to sorting out the final details.  Friday was a chance to catch up with some friends from Australia and the weekend to finalise some speeches and details for conference.  And so another week goes by.  The coming week will will focus on finalising all of those small details for conference.

DG Graeme

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