Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tagging Removal Day - Sunday 9th October

Unsightly tagging on community property has escalated to the point that action against this delinquent behaviour must stop.  Spurred on by the recent Rotary Clubs of NSW initiative, a collective in Wellington decided we could help the Wellington City Council clean up our CBD.  We also saw an opportunity to include concerned inner city residents in this inaugural project, with a view of them being future Rotarians.

A motivated group of around 30 met on a lovely Wellington morning for cleaning instructions from the Council’s representative, Pita King.  The group included Rotarians and their friends, members of the Inner City Association and a surprise enthusiastic volunteer, Mayor Celia Wade-Brown.

Grouped in 2’s or 3’s we were dispatched with a map of designated areas.  Armed with the chemical spray and the necessary safety items, we removed what we could and recorded anything that was too high or difficult, so the expert Council staff could tackle later themselves.

Within 2 hours we had done the allocated areas, very pleased we had helped in some tangible way to improve the city’s image.  Grateful thanks to everyone who gave up their time but especially Mayor, Celia Wade-Brown for her support of this project , Pita King and his staff and Jean Phipps.
Will we all do it again – absolutely!  

Was it of benefit to Rotary even though there was no general publicity – absolutely!  Meeting and working alongside other community-servicing individuals, who are potential Rotarians, is certainly a way forward.

Brian Klee
(Rotary Co-ordinator)

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