Sunday, October 21, 2012

Governors Elect Training and Rotary Institute

DGs with RI President Elect
Ron and Jetta Burton

Following our two days on Stewart Island with four other DGs and partners Christine and I attended Governors Elect Training (GETs) and Rotary Institute in Invercargill.  GETs  is a 2 day training session for current and upcoming District Governors and Rotary Institute brings together current Governors and Past District Governors to hear about the latest happens in Rotary and where Rotary is heading to in the immediate future. 

DGs with PDG Rodney Wong

It is a great time to catch up with our fellow Governors and discuss common issues across District.  A lot of time was discussing and focusing on membership related issues and how we might revitalise our Clubs and Districts. 

DG Ron Seeto (D9920) and DG Graeme with Sam
Johnson  (Sam will be speaking at the joint D9920/40
conference in Rotorua).

We had a number of senior Rotarians from RI including the RI President Elect Ron Burton, Joe Brownlee from Future Vision and Steve Brown from the Rotary Foundation.  They were very willing to share and discuss where Rotary is heading and what is happening in other parts of the world. We had the clear impression that RI is receptive to ideas of change and are embracing this change to make Rotary more relevant in our current environment. Clearly the drive is to change clubs as they wish to move forward but noting that each is unique in its own right.  

A separate session was run for future leaders and it was pleasing to see several from our district attending.  It was a very inspirational week and we came away feeling that Rotary has a bright future and we are moving in a direction that will set a strong foundation for the future.

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