Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rotary Leadership Institute Course, Lower Hutt

On Saturday 8th District 9940 ran another successful Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) course at GNS Science in Lower Hutt.  This was module 3 of the RLI programme and was run by Jane McCann assisted by a number of PDG facilitators. 

Thirteen Rotarians attended the course with 8 completing the three modules and being awarded their RLI completion certificates. 

Three generations of Rotarians!
The topics covered included Strategies for Influencing Clubs, Rotary Opportunities, International Service, Leadership in Rotary, and Public Relations.  There was much banter and debate during the day and all agreed it was an excellent programme and a very enjoyable day.  I was pleased to be able to sit in on the day and like all attendants found there was much that I learnt.

All participants and trainers
District will now take a rest from running RLI courses for a number of months while we assess its position within the overall District training programme.

Trainers and participants that had completed all 3 modules
My thanks to Jane, her helpers, and the participants all of who made for another successful event.

DG Graeme

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