Friday, September 7, 2012

Huang is choice for 2014-15 RI president

Huang is choice for 2014-15 RI president


Gary C.K. Huang is the choice for 2014-15 RI president.
Gary C.K. Huang, a member of the Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International in 2014-15. Huang will become the president-nominee on 1 October if there are no challenging candidates.
Huang says his vision for Rotary is to increase membership to more than 1.3 million.
“To increase our membership, we must go beyond borders to wherever we see growth potential, such as the countries of China, Mongolia, and Vietnam. I will put an emphasis on increasing female and younger members,” Huang says. “I will also encourage former Rotarians to once again be part of our Rotary family.”
Huang has served as the chair of Taiwan Sogo Shinkong Security Co., Ltd., Shin Kong Life Real Estate Service Co., and P.S. Insurance Agency, Inc. and director of Federal Corporation and managing director of Taipei Life-Line Association.
He is a past president of Malayan Overseas Insurance Co. and charter secretary general of the Council for Industrial and Commercial Development in Taiwan.
A Rotarian since 1976, Huang has served as RI vice president, director, Rotary Foundation trustee, district governor, International Assembly training leader, regional session leader, task force member and coordinator, and committee member and chair.
Convener of the 2000 Hong Kong, 2011 Kuala Lumpur, 2002 Manila, and 2003 Singapore Rotary Institutes, he also served as chair of the 2002 Taipei Presidential Conference. He is chair of the Council of Past District Governors in Taiwan.
Huang created 19 new clubs in 1986-87 as governor of District 345, which included Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
Huang has been awarded the National Civic Service Award by the Federation of Non-Profit Associations and the Outstanding Community Service Award by the Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. He is a recipient of the RI Service Above Self Award and the Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service.
Huang and his wife, Corinna Yao, have three children.
The 2012 nominating committee members are John F. Germ, USA (chair); Keith Barnard-Jones, England; Mohamed Benmejdoub, Morocco; Peter Bundgaard, Denmark; Michael Colasurdo Sr., USA; Mário de Oliveira Antonino, Brazil; Sushil Gupta, India; Jackson San-Lien Hsieh, Taiwan; John Lawrence, Australia; Carlo Monticelli, Italy; Paul A. Netzel, USA; Kazuhiko Ozawa, Japan; Ekkehart Pandel, Germany; Noraseth Pathmanand, Thailand; Barry Rassin, Bahamas; Robert Scott, Canada; and Thomas M. Thorfinnson, USA.

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