Monday, September 24, 2012

Pahiatua Peace Festival

On Sunday 23rd September Christine and I attended the annual Pahiatua Peace Festival sponsored by the Rotary Club of Pahiatua.   We arrived early in Pahiatua to a bright sunny morning and meet in the town square where the event was held.   We were joined by members of the community and a Japanese youth group where speeches were held by the mayor Rollie Ellis, President Richard of the Rotary Club of Pahiatua, myself, and a Japanese Student Representative.  Singing the national anthem followed this.  We all then adjourned to a local church for morning tea.  The ceremony was a timely reminder of the need for peace in the world and within our local communities.  It also reminded us of our Rotary Theme this year of Peace Through Service.
Our thanks to President Richard for inviting us to the event and the opportunity to address the gathering.
Rollie, Richard, Graeme and International Students

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