Saturday, June 29, 2013

Our Last Posting - District Changeover

Last night District 9940 held its Changeover in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Levin's, the home of DGE Deb and Neville Gimblett, Changeover.  This was a great occasion for us to reflect back on the year that was.

We started the year by challenging clubs to Push Boundaries an
d Make Change Real - many clubs took up this challenge and it is great to see some clubs changing and growing.  Along with any change it is important to remember the core theme of Rotary, Service Above Self, and our core values; Fellowship, Diversity, Leadership, Integrity, and Vocational.  We were pleased to see the return of the GSE/VTT exchange this year and two Rotarians attend the Peace Forum in Hiroshima, who took the Peace Cranes that many clubs had made to the Children's Peace Monument in Hiroshima. 

Our lasting memory of the year will be the people that we met on our travels and of the great work that they do in the community and for Rotary, and of the clubs and their commitment to our great organization.

As we look back we wish to thank everyone who have assisted us through the year and made us feel welcome as we have travelled around District.

We are looking forward to a rest and travel before we see what challenges Rotary will offer us in the future.

To DG Deb and Neville, we wish you a great journey on your year ahead and to Anthony and Nicky, Simon and Brad all the best in your planning ahead.

And so from Christine and I it is a big thank you and good bye for now, we will catch up again soon.

Christine and Graeme

Friday, June 28, 2013

A Busy Week in Our Final Week as DG

As our year as District Governor comes to an end we have had a busy final week.  It began last Sunday with a Wellington 3 Cluster Meeting which saw the outgoing Presidents from 2012-13 and incoming Presidents get together for dinner.  AG Vince handed the reigns across to Simon Manning as incoming AG.  It was an evening of much fun, laughter, and reminiscing of the past year.  Our thanks to Vince and all of the Presidents for a great year.

Wellington 3 Cluster

DG with now PP Paul
DG, new President Jaye, and PP Paul
Monday we attended Eastern Hutt Changeover where a PHF was awarded to Club member Paddy for his work in the local community and a number of other members were recognised for their  contributions to the club through the year.  It was also a great pleasure to be able to award to the Club a RI Presidential Citation, at fitting recognition for the huge amount of work that the Club does in the local community.  Our congratulations to Paul and his team for a great year.

Presentation of RI Presidential
Citation to President Bob
and President Elect Ron
PDG Dexter and DG Graeme
Tuesday was our own Club, Plimmerton's, Changeover and Recognition night.  A moving night for Chris and I as it was our last opportunity to address the club as DG and thank President Bob and the club for the huge support that they have given us over the past 3 years.  It was also a great honour to be awarded a PHF Sapphire Pin by the Club - very unexpected.   This honour also goes to Chris for all of her support through the year and club members.  It was also great to be able to present the club with a RI Presidential Citation and Certificate of Achievement award for the Pauhatanui Pathway Project.

Past President Monty new President Anna
President Anna receiving
the RDU Award
Wednesday was Wellington South Changeover.  Another great night where we were able to award a Community PHF to James Coyle for his work in the local community and Christchurch in using his musical talents to support other musicians in the areas.  It was also great to be able to present to incoming President Anna a certificate from RDU in recognition of her article in RDU on EB.

Thursday was a night away from Rotary attending a good friends 70th and farewell other good friends as they head away on a 4 month world travel adventure.

Friday was our final Changeover for the week when we attended Hutt Valley's changeover.  Another great night.  It was great to hear Tom Aitkens singing at the event.  He  has been sponsored by the Rotary Club of Port Nicholson to further his opera singing skills and we are sure he has a great future ahead of him and we will hear more of him in the years to come.

Ton Aitken (center right)

And so to tonight when we will be at the Levin Club Changeover when we will hand over the chain of office to DGE Deb.  We will report on our last official function as DG tomorrow.

All the best
Chris and Graeme

Pink Ribbon Street Appeal 11-12 October - volunteers needed

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to work with Rotary and contribute to polio eradication for next 5 years

Today at the International Convention, Jeff Raikes, Chief Executive Officer of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation announced for the next five years, every dollar Rotary commits in direct support for polio eradication--up to US$35 million per year-- will be doubled by the Gates Foundation. That means when Rotary commits US$35 million per year we will receive US$70 million per year from the Gates Foundation.

In order to spend US$35 million per year we must raise US$35 million per year.  I have no doubt that together, we can do this. We have a long history of clubs and districts exceeding their polio eradication contribution goals.  In our 1986 to 1988 initiative, we had a goal of US $120 million; we raised $247 million. In 2002-2005, the goal was $80 million and we raised $135 million. In 2008-2012, the goal was $200 million and we raised $228 million, meeting and surpassing that Gates Foundation challenge.

DDF contributions are essential to support global eradication efforts.  To encourage continued support, 2012-13 DDF contributions to PolioPlus will be matched US$.50 from World Fund for every US$1.00 of DDF, up to US$3.5 million.  There is still World Fund match available. Thanks to the extension of our partnership with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation a DDF gift of US$2 would result in a total contribution for polio eradication of US$9. If your District still has DDF available I would encourage you to consider making an allocation to PolioPlus.

We promised the children of the world that we would eradicate polio, and Rotarians keep their word. We are this close, and getting closer every day. Thanks to you, we will End Polio Now.


John F. Germ
Vice Chair
International PolioPlus Committee

New Plymouth West Rotary helps out Oakura School

The Rotary Club of New Plymouth West recently gave support to Oakura School with setting up an Envior Centre.  Part of this has included a 'School Makeover' day where students, parents and members of Rotary assisted with planting out areas of the school grounds.  Students will start monitoring the plants, birds and wildlife in the area as a baseline that can be used to track the positive impact the school is having on the area.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rotary Aramoho Primary School Playground Project

The Wanganui Daybreak Rotary club wanted to do a practical project to benefit youth. Aramoho Primary school had a large wooden playground area, which had become overgrown with weeds and bushes and looked well past its best. The two groups came together to transform the equipment into a bright, cheerful place, which the children of the school now love to use.

The Club thought it needed just a bit of water blasting and a slap of paint but it soon proved that a lot more time and effort was required. A Saturday working bee combining club members, staff at the school, parents and a number of the students as well, managed to get most of the water blasting done, some repair work carried out and the weeds and bushes removed. The painting was completed over the next couple of weekends.

Some local painters and businesses helped out by supplying paint. These included Guthrie Bowron, Resenes, Edmonds Painting and Brent Eastabrook. The school is grateful to them and to the Daybreak Rotary club for choosing their school play equipment as an ongoing project.

Eileen Ng
Wanganui Daybreak


After the great work

Friday, June 21, 2013

A Busy Week With 1 Week To Go!

With only one week to go before our year as DG is complete there seems to have been a lot happening in Clubs around District with Club Changeovers and end of year Rotary functions.

On Monday I had the opportunity to attend the Wellington Club Change Over and on behalf of District present a PHF Sapphire pin to Brian Lynch in recognition of his work for District including during his period as Scholarships Chair,  when he successfully integrated the coordination and selection of Peace Fellowships, Ambassadorial, and later Vocational Scholarships in the changing environment brought about by District 9940 participating in the pilot programme of the Future Vision Plan.  President Hewitt handed the chain of office across to new President Tony Hassed who says he has change in mind for the Rotary Club of Wellington.

On Tuesday I was able to attend Plimmerton's meeting to make a PHF presentation along with President Bob to Peter Sinke in recognition of his work for the Club including organising our annual 4WD rally.  It was then off with Christine to attend our local Inner Wheel Changeover to be present when our good friend Debbie Howard became President.

Wednesday was a fun filled night as we attended the Rotary Club of Porirua Sundown's 'Last Supper'.  This was a fun filled night where we were all able to share tales of the last year, have lots of laughs and reacquaint friendships.  Porirua Sundown, along with other clubs in the Wellington 3 cluster, has been a huge support to Christine and I through the year and it was a great opportunity to pass on to President Gordon and the club our thanks for their support.

As the week started drawing to a close I was to make a short trip to Whangarei to attend a Maori Hui in recognition of some work that I had been involved with  LINZ.  Unfortunately we got caught up in the bad weather and had to drive back to Wellington.  

Saturday we were at a BBQ watching the French/All Black game with our IYE French exchange student Cyril Lepinette.  There were some anxious moments earlier in the game but it was good to see NZ come out on top - and our see our french student wearing an All Blacks top!

 Sunday we attend a Lowering of the Flag Cluster meeting - report to follow.

We hope you have not suffered during the recent storms and hope you have a great week ahead.

DG Graeme

District 9940 Rotarian Recognised at Vice Regal Patronages Reception

Warren Irving, District 9940 Shelterbox Coordinator, was recognised for his and the teams work with Shelterbox at the recent Vice Regal Patronages Reception hosted by the Governor-General Lieutenant General The Right Honorable Sir Jerry Mateparae and Lady Janine Mataparae at Government House.

Pictured with Warren and The Right Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae is Response Team (SRT) member, Sally Fletcher who was recently seconded to Fiji.

Our thanks for the hugh effort that Warren and his team put in to coordinating the Shelterbox programme in our District.

DG Graeme

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Presidential Strategies for Success

The following provided by Rotary International

Did you know that, in any given year, more than 500,000 young people participate in Rotary’s youth or young adult programs? That’s a half a million Interactors, RYLA participants, Youth Exchange students, and Rotaractors who understand what Rotary is, who know why Rotary matters, and who have experienced, for themselves, how service to their communities changes our world for the better. When we ask these young leaders if they want to join Rotary now, or in the future, hundreds of thousands answer with an enthusiastic YES!
What happens after that energizing RYLA event, transformative youth exchange, or empowering service experience depends on the environment that you create as a district leader.
Right now, as you read these words, there are districts where Youth Exchange students are becoming Interactors, where RYLA participants are starting university-based Rotaract clubs, and where Rotary alumni of all youth programs are developing as leaders through community-based Rotaract clubs. There are Rotary clubs, in every district, that work in partnership and collaboration with youth and young adults. And there are clubs that attract young professionals as volunteers, donors, and new Rotarians.
Does that describe your district today? If it’s not, here are nine ways that you can make it happen

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) seeks candidates

Finding Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) candidates in your community

RYLA seeks to recognise, encourage and develop future community and workplace leaders by offering them an intensive training experience.

The programme will be run 22-27 January 2014.

Rotary Clubs could be looking to sponsor at least one youth in their community to help them to unleash their leadership potential.

The qualities of a candidate..
      18 – 24 years of age
      demonstrates leadership potential

Candidates could be anyone from…
       a child or grandchild of a Rotarian,
       a local teacher,
       an apprentice (builder, butcher, electrician)
      local sports coach, or
       an aspiring student

Refer to for more information

Applications close 30 October 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

That week that was.

This past week has been a relatively quiet week with a few meetings.

On Wednesday I attended the Presidents Dinner for the Rotary Club of Western Hutt.  This was also to be the final and windup of the club which has been in operation for nearly 40 years.  There was a great turnout of over 30 Presidents but the meeting was tinged with sadness being the clubs final meeting.

Those present were adamant that they would continue to meet on a regular basis.  Current President, Malcolm Bell, spoke of the work of the club and its fellowship in the local community.  He noted that many of the current members will be moving to other clubs in the Hutt Valley.  DG Graeme thanked the club for its tremendous work in the community, wished all those present well and presented a certificate in recognition of the work of the Club to the current members.  The club will be wound up at the end of this Rotary year on the 30th of June.

All the best for the coming week.

DG Graeme

IYE Tommy Bermeo's Send-off

Several photos of Tommy’s amazing departure home from New Plymouth. What a great farewell from his college mates!!

Rotary Sponsored Piano on Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Rotary Sponsored Piano on Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Sue Gardner
President Rotary Club of Wanganui North

A call went out in our weekly bulletin for a Piano that could be wheeled out onto Victoria Avenue, Wanganui's Main Street, & played by passersby.
The wife of one of our Rotarians donated her grandmother's 1904 walnut, upright piano.

Local businesses donated their time & services - Dave Hoskin Carriers, Elite Engineering, Morrie Gibbons Signwriters, & Stafford King - piano tuner - to ready the piano for its new life.

The piano has been handed over to MainStreet Wanganui who will house the piano, & also decide when & where it will feature at any given time.
It's first adventure was in a recent "Busk Off" where a team of Rotarians & friends played the piano for 4 hours recently on a Saturday.

Sue Gardner playing the Main Street Piano.

ERKs - Time is running out for donations this Rotary Year

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Countdown to Solitaire du Figaro begins in earnest for Falmouth's Sam Goodchild

From the June Shelterbox Newsletter
By Ben Power, Sports Reporter

Falmouth sailor Sam Goodchild is preparing to set off on the first leg of this year’s Solitaire du Figaro, and says he can’t wait to get going.

The Solitaire, a prestigious month-long offshore race, sees a fleet of 41 competitors race from Bordeaux on Sunday, June 2,  before moving on to Gijon in Spain, then returning to the French coast for the final leg to Dieppe at the end of June.

"I’m feeling ok," Sam said on Tuesday morning, "a bit nervous as it’s been a lot of preparation and it’s not going to be easy, and I really want to make improvements from last year. There are enough things to do to keep preoccupied but not stressed, and the atmosphere in Bordeaux is incredible, the crowds and appreciation is huge.”

Sam will be up against some of the best Figaro sailors in the world, and while winning outright might a little too ambitious a target, he's not there simply to make up the numbers.
“It's fantastic to be sailing against such great sailors, we are here to race alongside them and learn from them, means we will know where we are compared to the best. That's why we are here!” Sam said.

Sam, one of only six non-French sailors, will be competing in his boat Shelter Box, named in honour of the Helston-based charity.

“It's a fantastic charity that I really agree with what they do and how they do it,” he said. “I would love to volunteer to help them out as one of their response teams, but haven’t had the time yet. So, hopefully I can do a bit towards raising their profile and in turn donations so they can better help more disasters.”

Asked whether he’s made any changes for the Solitaire, Sam said it was business as usual - save for one important difference.

“I have taken a big risk and replaced my love for dried mango with pineapple - so hopefully there won’t be any disasters on that front!”

Keep up to date with Sam’s progress in the Solitaire du Figaro throughout June online, and each week in the Packet.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

DG Weekly Update - A Week of Talks

As we go into our last month as DG there seems little time for relaxing.  My other job at LINZ is now beginning to occupy more of my time as we start looking towards and planning the future of our organization.  Like Rotary change is in the air  - an exciting time ahead.
Peter Housiaux receiving his PHF
for services in the Otaki Community

Heretaunga Club
We got back to our own club this week and had several visits - to Heretaunga Club where I was guest speaker talking about Geodesy, and Otaki Club where we presented a community Paul Harris and spoke of the changes to the GSE /VTT programme and greater focus on vocational visits.  

Otaki Club Meeting
A quieter weekend and week ahead when we will get a few days away fly fishing up at Lake Taupo with friends.

All the best for the coming week.

