Sunday, June 23, 2013

Rotary Aramoho Primary School Playground Project

The Wanganui Daybreak Rotary club wanted to do a practical project to benefit youth. Aramoho Primary school had a large wooden playground area, which had become overgrown with weeds and bushes and looked well past its best. The two groups came together to transform the equipment into a bright, cheerful place, which the children of the school now love to use.

The Club thought it needed just a bit of water blasting and a slap of paint but it soon proved that a lot more time and effort was required. A Saturday working bee combining club members, staff at the school, parents and a number of the students as well, managed to get most of the water blasting done, some repair work carried out and the weeds and bushes removed. The painting was completed over the next couple of weekends.

Some local painters and businesses helped out by supplying paint. These included Guthrie Bowron, Resenes, Edmonds Painting and Brent Eastabrook. The school is grateful to them and to the Daybreak Rotary club for choosing their school play equipment as an ongoing project.

Eileen Ng
Wanganui Daybreak


After the great work

1 comment:

  1. In every school a playground is very important for kids to have a recreational activity. It is really nice to know that the parents and teachers helped each other to finish this project. Good job to all of you! -
