Saturday, May 25, 2013

DG Weekly Update - District Assembly

Project Fair at District Assembly
Last Sunday saw our District Assembly with over 300 attendees from around our District.  In a break from tradition both the DG and DGE spoke during the opening session highlighting the past year and setting the scene for the coming year.  There were over 20 projects represented at the project fair which gave many ideas for incoming Presidents and club committees.  It was also great to see a number of Rotaractors in attendance.  All in all a great day and with a lot of positive feedback for the new format.

President Dave (right with precipitants of the
Pride of Workmanship Awards

Monday saw Chris and I attending the Rotary Club of Hutt Valley's Pride of Workmanship awards in Upper Hutt where 15 employees from local businesses were given awards.  It has been great for us to attend these functions and to see Rotary Clubs working in the community with local business and increasing awareness of Rotary.  Our congratulations to all winners and those nominated.

We also attended the Rotary Club of Waverley-Aotea's 40th Anniversary which doubled as their changeover.  Although only a small club they do a huge amount of work in their local community.  The event saw a great turn out of past and present members.

The week ending with a get together lunch with the VTT/GSE inwards and outwards committee to have a debrief on the very successful Canadian exchange.  We all agreed that this was a successful exchange and one we would like to see more of in the future.  Our thanks to Andy, Mitch and Marilyn for the huge amount of work they did to bring this all together.

All the best for the coming week.
DG Graeme

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