Friday, December 14, 2012

A Busy Week With A Little Over One Week to Christmas

District Training Committee
The past week has been a busy week as we head into Christmas.  Last weekend we attended a District Training Committee Meeting.  PDG Dexter Bamberry is the Chair of this committee and currently the committee is focusing on preparing for SP PETS.  This is for all PEs and is a great opportunity for PEs to get together with their fellow PEs across New Zealand, and prepare for their year ahead.   It was also an opportunity to consider workshops on membership and building strong clubs that will be run as part of our Multi District Conference  in April 2013 and District Assembly.

District GSE Committee
Following this we attended a GSE Inwards Committee Meeting headed by Andy Watson.  We are now preparing and looking forward to the Canadian Inwards GSE team visit which is due in our District in late March.

It has also been great to attend a number of Club Christmas parties including our own Club, Plimmerton's party, at which a PHF Sapphire pin was awarded to Brian Greaves for his work as District Administrator of the Foundation Grants programme as we have transitioned into the Future Vision Pilot.  

It was also great to attend Eastern Hutt, Western Hutt and Terrace End functions where again a number of well deserved PHF presentations were made to club members and members in the community.

President Malcolm, AG Carol, DG Graeme, and DGNN Simon
The Western Hutt meeting was their last formal meeting as they prepare to wind up the club at the end of this Rotary year.  The club had a great turn out and high tributes were given to the club for the work they have done in the community over the past 37 years.

Western Hutt Club

On a sadder note we and several other PDGs and Rotarians attended PDG Stuart Macaskill's funeral and heard of his great work for Rotary and the Community.

We are looking forward to a number of visits this coming week as we head toward Christmas.

Bidding Farewell to Vocational Scholar Jenny

All the best for the coming week.


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