Friday, December 7, 2012

Stokes Valley Christmas Parade and Solomon Island Ambulance

On Saturday Christine and I had the pleasure to attend the Stokes Valley Christmas Parade.  This was held under a clear sky and it was great to see a big turn out by the local community.  This annual event is organised by the Hutt River Valley Rotary and it was good to see a big turn out of club members supported by other clubs in the area.  We had the pleasure of riding in an old Dodge in the event.

A shelter box was on show as was the ambulance that has been organised by the Rotary Club of Petone and is destined to be shipped up to the Solomon Islands by the New Zealand Navy in June.  Over the next few weeks the ambulance will be sign written with Rotary on the side.  It will be available over the next few months around District for fund raising events.  This is a great initiative by Petone Rotary.

A great day enjoyed by all.

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