Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another Great Week Heading to the Finale

It was a pleasure on Monday to return to the Rotary Club of Wellington to present at Community PHF to the Deputy Mayor of Wellington, Ian McKinnon for his services to the community.  It was also great to see another new member of the club, Andrew Jackson, being inducted.

Tuesday was off to the Rotary Club of Tawa for our Official Visit where we presented Rotary Leadership Institute Certificates to two members, Irene and Robert, who have now completed the 3 modules of the course.  Here the club was challenged to each make a Peace Crane.  A video and several experts including Christine aided us.  I must confess that my Crane making abilities leave a little to be desired but with a little help most of us there were able to complete the task.   This club is very involved in the community and very community focused.  They are actively exploring ways of how they can attract new members into their club.

On Wednesday we visited the Rotary Club of Porirua Sundown.  This was a busy night presenting a Community PHF to Michael Oxnam from the Porirua CIB for his services to the community.  We were also able to present a Centurion Club award to the club recognizing their achievement in contributing more than $100 per member to the foundation.  We had a presentation on RYLA and were introduced to the clubs RYLA candidate, Jason for this year. It was great to see Sheryl Collins also being inducted into the club. Porirua Sundown is an extremely active and vibrant growing club and we had a full on fun filled night.  We left the meeting with a big bag of Peace Cranes that they had made the previous week.

This week has seen us completing all of our Club Official Visits with the exception of our final visit to our home Club of Plimmerton.  We would like to thank everyone for making our club visits very special events and thank you all for your wonderful hospitality.

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