Saturday, November 24, 2012

Polio Update

As of November 7th a total of 181 cases have been reported year to date versus a figure of 505 at the same stage last year. Total cases for 2011 were 650. Good progress is being made in Pakistan and Afghanistan, while India remains polio free with the last case reported in January 2011. On the other hand, Nigeria is a concern and is attracting increased levels of attention from Governments and involved NGOs to bring this situation under control. The numbers aren’t large but they need to be managed.  

Nigeria had 101 reported cases at November 7th against 42 cases at the same stage last year. Rotary’s determination to rid the world of this dreadful disease is as strong as ever and the need for funding continues. The Gates Challenge may be over but we need to continue our support for the polio eradication initiative and complete the job once and for all. The current contribution comparison is below and it can be seen that maybe the eye has been taken of the ball now that the challenge is over. 

Now is a good time to remember just how close we are!

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