Wednesday, October 31, 2012

District 9940 Nominee for DG 2015/16 Announced

On Wednesday we had the pleasure of attending the lunch meeting of Hutt City to announce the District Governor Nominee  for our District 2015/16.  It was our pleasure to announce Simon Manning of the Hutt City Rotary to this role.

The function was attended by many past DGs,  DGE and DGN.  It was a special event for Simon and Brad and Hutt City Rotary and we wish Simon and the club the very best on the journey ahead.

Below are some biographical details on Simon and Brad.

Simon Manning was born in Lower Hutt, and educated at various schools in the Hutt Valley.

At the age of 13, following the deaths of his Grandparents in very close succession and the impact of those deaths, he was drawn to find out more about funerals. He worked for a Wellington funeral company in his school holidays and eventually joined that company at the completion of his schooling.

Following his formal training through the Central Institute of Technology, he qualified in Embalming and Funeral Directing.

In 1989 Simon set up his own business, Harbour City Funeral Home. Simon joined Rotary in 1990 with Mt Victoria Rotary Club, he stayed with Rotary for a few years, but pressures of operating a new business and Rotary’s requirement for strict attendance saw him reluctantly resign in the mid-90’s.

Simon joined the Rotary Club of Hutt City in 2006, when it was suggested by a long-time friend, Murray Bond, that it was time to come back to Rotary. Simon is the immediate Past President of Hutt City Rotary.

Simon lives in Wellington with his partner Brad McAneney.  Brad has a Bachelor of Social Work from Massey University, which he obtained prior to joining the funeral profession. In 2002 Brad graduated from Weltec with a Diploma in Funeral Services.

Brad is a shareholder in the company and manages the Guardian Funeral Home brand in Johnsonville and Tawa. Brad is a member of the Rotary Club of Wellington North, and is currently a director of its Youth Committee.

Spare time sees Simon and Brad attending to their grapes in Martinborough, where they have a small lifestyle block. You may just see them on weekends in the Wairarapa, Brad on his Harley Davidson and Simon in his Blue Mini! 

Idea christmas Present that Supports Rotary Foundation

Ideal christmas present where $20 from each sale goes to the rotary foundation.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

International Youth Exchange Marae Weekend

On 27-28 October District 9940 held it's International Youth Exchange Kauwhata Marae Weekend near Feilding.  Here, both the inward and outward IYE students had an opportunity to spend the weekend at a Marae to experience the Maori culture and learn the protocols of visiting a Marae.  As part of the Powhiri everyone learnt a small Waiata.  Learning the haka and eel fishing were also favorite activities.  Ten students will be leaving our District and we are hosting 6 inbound students - a really great bunch of people who are our future leaders.

Outbound students with DG Graeme and Christine
On the Sunday DG Graeme presented each of the outbound students with their jackets and name badges.  He reminded both the inward and outward bound students of the need to experience different cultures and to enjoy and make the most of this life changing experience both here in New Zealand and Overseas.

Our thanks to the IYE Committee and the members of the Kauwhata Marae who all worked very hard to make this such a successful weekend.

Outbound and Inbound Students

What to do with unwanted Rotary Down Under Magazines

On Saturday October 27 Otaki Rotary in partnership with the Otaki Village Promotions Group took part in an Otaki Community Groups Expo. Held in the newly upgraded Main St the expo which was supported by 12 groups from the Scouts through to Age Concern generated a carnival like atmosphere and attracted a lot of interest from local residents.

Otaki Rotary PR committee members Chris Dungan and Marilyn Stevens assisted by District 9940 Shelter Box Co-ordinator Warren Irving set up a Shelter Box Tent and a general Rotary display. As Marilyn said “ we took some of the banners in the Rotary International PR DVD down to the local print shop got them blown up to about 1.2 meters long, laminated them and used them as background material around the display area. This DVD is a fantastic resource.”

“I’m not sure we got any new members immediately” said Chris “but we certainly raised people’s awareness of what Rotary does locally and overseas” and “yes madam, Rotary isn’t just for men, we do have women members, please take one of these brochures and a recent magazine”   

Otaki Rotary

Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 17 - Visiting Clubs Close to Home

It was nice to have a three-day weekend.  Chris and I enjoyed some time in Martinborough over the long weekend with friends.

New Rotary Education
Our first club visit for the week was Rotary Club of Karori.  Before the meeting we were privileged to visit Zealandia (the former Karori Sanctuary) for the opening of the Rotary Education Centre.  Here we planted a tree to celebrate the opening with Karori Club President Bill Joyce.  We were impressed with the new visitors centre and the large amount of development that had gone on since our last visit.  It was interesting to note the work that the club is doing in the local community to get a better understanding of the community and their needs.  It was pleasure to be able to award three community PHFs.

Karori Paul Harris Fellows

Wednesday saw us at Wellington South Rotary and learning about many of the local projects they are doing in their community including their Big Dig day.  It was also a pleasure to welcome a long-standing member into the club as an Honorary Member.

President and PDGs
On Thursday we visited the Rotary Club of Wellington North and Kapiti Rotary.  Wellington North has a long tradition of Past DGs with PDGs Ross George, Maurice Robertson, and Tony Fryer being present.  Much banter and fun was had during the meeting with their ‘Happy Dollar’, run in place of the more traditional sergeants session, raising money for their local projects.  From here we travelled up the coast to Kapiti where we met the Board at Southwards Car Museum before heading of to the club meeting.  It was great to be able to induct a past member of the club back into Rotary.  Kapiti has taken in a number of new members this year which is great to see.

Another enjoyable week.

All the best for the week ahead.

Graeme and Chris.


Electrical contractor and Past President of Otaki Rotary, Chris Dungan, recently took delivery of a new work vehicle.

As Chris said “ I’m now on the Club’s PR committee and as I’m always banging on about getting members to wear Rotary branded gear when we’re out and about I felt it was time to put words into actions. When I was getting the sign writing done I got Wayne Kaye from Kaye Sign Service in the nearby town of Levin to include Rotary on half of the rear of the van”.

Chris feels that more Rotarians should include Rotary signage on work vehicles. “When you think of the huge number of Rotarians who own or run businesses with vehicles, we should be encouraging them to include Rotary in with their company branding” says Chris. “At times I feel I’m a member of some arcane secret society, we should be letting people out there, know Rotarians are everywhere.”

Way to go Chris.



Please promote and support this very generous District-wide fund 
raising opportunity from Brad McAneney and Simon Manning.  The 
beneficiaries  are TRF and club charitable activities.

Many thanks
DG Graeme

Sunday, October 21, 2012

World Polio Week Wednesday 24th October

A Note from the Rotary Foundation on Polio Week.

Dear Rotarian,

With your help, we have made tremendous progress in the fight to eradicate polio. We are at an historic moment -- less than 1% away from the end of polio forever. This past February, we celebrated India being polio-free for a year and in May we celebrated reaching the US$200 Million Challenge. However, our work is not done.  In honor of World Polio Day on 24 October 2012, we are asking for your help to tell
the world about Rotary’s achievements and to finish the job. There are several ways you may lend your voice to spread the word.
First, be part of the World’s Biggest Commercial to support polio eradication - the world’s biggest public health initiative – by adding a photo of yourself alongside  Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Bill Gates, Jackie Chan, Amanda Peet and other world figures and celebrities participating in Rotary's "This Close" campaign.  Check out the prelaunch video to see how it works.  On 24 October, go to, to be included in the constantly expanding commercial.
Many of our celebrity polio ambassadors who participate in the “This Close” campaign are also accomplished musicians.  Several of them donated music to the End Polio Now album to help raise funds to eradicate polio. On 23 October, The Rotary Foundation will release the End Polio Now album via iTunes and The album includes songs by Itzhak Perlman, Zeynab, Staff Benda Bilili, Angelique Kidjo, Donovan, Dan Maraya Jos, J-Hawk featuring Tanvi Shah, Nydia Caro, Ziggy Marley, David Sanborn, and Eric Wainaina.
We have also created a page on the social media service Thunderclap, which enables supporters to sign up to share a single message through their social media accounts. The message will go out at a 9 am EST on 24 to amplify the voice of our cause.  Visit our page on Thunderclap to add your voice.
We would encourage you to take advantage of World Polio Day and the tools outlined above to highlight progress and the need for continued support to meet the US$700 million funding gap for polio eradication activities with your fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors, alumni, family, friends and your elected government officials. Encourage them to add their voice to show their support for polio eradication.
Together we can celebrate this year’s World Polio Day by bringing global attention to Rotary’s work to eradicate polio.  Thank you for your ongoing commitment to End Polio Now.  

The Rotary Foundation Contact Center:
Available for all general Foundation-related inquiries
866-9ROTARY (866-976-8279) |

Visiting Clubs in Palmerston North

Returning from GETs and Institute in Invercargill we headed north to visit the Rotary Clubs of Terrace End and Takaro.  Terrace End meets in a beautiful old building on Massey Campus.  We were privileged to have one of our Vocational Scholars from the States, here studying tomatoes, Jennie Smith, present at the meeting.  She is a wonderful ambassador for the States and if she has not spoken at your club she would make a great guest speaker.

The following night we visited the Takaro club in its new premises, which has a great range of projects and fund raisers.  There were a large number of guests present and two PHFs were awarded, one to a long standing club member and the other as a community award.

Both meetings were fun filled nights and brought a great finish to a busy couple of weeks.  Next week we will be staying closer to home with visits to clubs in the Wellington area.

Governors Elect Training and Rotary Institute

DGs with RI President Elect
Ron and Jetta Burton

Following our two days on Stewart Island with four other DGs and partners Christine and I attended Governors Elect Training (GETs) and Rotary Institute in Invercargill.  GETs  is a 2 day training session for current and upcoming District Governors and Rotary Institute brings together current Governors and Past District Governors to hear about the latest happens in Rotary and where Rotary is heading to in the immediate future. 

DGs with PDG Rodney Wong

It is a great time to catch up with our fellow Governors and discuss common issues across District.  A lot of time was discussing and focusing on membership related issues and how we might revitalise our Clubs and Districts. 

DG Ron Seeto (D9920) and DG Graeme with Sam
Johnson  (Sam will be speaking at the joint D9920/40
conference in Rotorua).

We had a number of senior Rotarians from RI including the RI President Elect Ron Burton, Joe Brownlee from Future Vision and Steve Brown from the Rotary Foundation.  They were very willing to share and discuss where Rotary is heading and what is happening in other parts of the world. We had the clear impression that RI is receptive to ideas of change and are embracing this change to make Rotary more relevant in our current environment. Clearly the drive is to change clubs as they wish to move forward but noting that each is unique in its own right.  

A separate session was run for future leaders and it was pleasing to see several from our district attending.  It was a very inspirational week and we came away feeling that Rotary has a bright future and we are moving in a direction that will set a strong foundation for the future.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Polio Update

The good news continues on the eradication of polio and with it we hope your club will stay involved in the final push to finish the job.  After 10 years from the year 2000 where the program seemed to have stalled, real progress has been achieved over the last 3 years.  Yet with the global recession we now need every bit of commitment we can muster to stop it all going to waste.

So, for those not up to date, first the good news.  At 3rd October there have only been 154 cases of wild polio virus worldwide compared to 429 at the same stage of last year.  Even better, the only country this year with wild polio outside of the 3 endemic countries has been Chad, with 5 cases compared to 114 at this stage last year.  Last year there were an additional 12 countries, mostly in Africa, with wild polio virus. Of the three endemic countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan have halved case numbers, but Nigeria’s numbers are well up.

So for the third year running worldwide numbers have been halved or better. What greater encouragement could we possibly need.

And now for the bad news.  The funding required over the next 2 years to complete the job is not secured.  As a result immunization programs have already been cut back in 24 at risk countries.  Overall costs are estimated at $2.19 billion (all figures are US dollars) over the two years, with a shortfall of $90m for the rest of 2012 and $700m for 2013 although there are strong prospects for raising $400m of that. 

Rotary International has again stepped up and in the last couple of weeks announced our commitment by pledging another $75m over the next 3 years, so our club contributions are important.

One possible fundraiser your club might like to consider is to look at a movie premier fundraiser, specifically The Life of Pi due for release in NZ on 6th December, although this may vary with your location.  This film premier has been offered exclusively to Rotary in Australia as a fundraiser, and while we have not been given the same consideration in NZ it still presents as a great opportunity, so why not get someone on your club organizing it now.  Google or You Tube will take you to promo trailers for this movie which looks to be cast to a wide age group.

If your club requires resources contact the committee.  We have available ‘This Close’ moneyboxes for collecting small (or big if you so desire) change and which could well help promote your club by sitting on business counters and committee members are available to speak to your club.

Keep up the good work and if your club has not previously supported Polio Plus why not help give it that last little push.

Neville Gimblett – Rotary Club of Levin   06 363 7182
Michael Fagg – Rotary Club of Karori         04 476 3122
Sharon Duff – Rotary Club of Wanganui      06 3453383

Buy a Spare Change Box for Polio

Tagging Removal Day - Sunday 9th October

Unsightly tagging on community property has escalated to the point that action against this delinquent behaviour must stop.  Spurred on by the recent Rotary Clubs of NSW initiative, a collective in Wellington decided we could help the Wellington City Council clean up our CBD.  We also saw an opportunity to include concerned inner city residents in this inaugural project, with a view of them being future Rotarians.

A motivated group of around 30 met on a lovely Wellington morning for cleaning instructions from the Council’s representative, Pita King.  The group included Rotarians and their friends, members of the Inner City Association and a surprise enthusiastic volunteer, Mayor Celia Wade-Brown.

Grouped in 2’s or 3’s we were dispatched with a map of designated areas.  Armed with the chemical spray and the necessary safety items, we removed what we could and recorded anything that was too high or difficult, so the expert Council staff could tackle later themselves.

Within 2 hours we had done the allocated areas, very pleased we had helped in some tangible way to improve the city’s image.  Grateful thanks to everyone who gave up their time but especially Mayor, Celia Wade-Brown for her support of this project , Pita King and his staff and Jean Phipps.
Will we all do it again – absolutely!  

Was it of benefit to Rotary even though there was no general publicity – absolutely!  Meeting and working alongside other community-servicing individuals, who are potential Rotarians, is certainly a way forward.

Brian Klee
(Rotary Co-ordinator)

Friday, October 12, 2012

DGs on Stewart Island

Prior to Rotary Institute in Invercargill 5 of the 6 DGs and partners decided to have several days R and R on Stewart Island.  This was a good chance to relax and have some really constructive discussions on how the year was going to date.

We arrived in rather blustery wet conditions but our second day started calm but overcast.  We decided for a day’s boat tour, fishing, visiting Ulva Island, and seeing some salmon and mussel farms.  The fishing was great and we soon had a good quota of blue cod that we quickly consumed the following day.  It was also an opportunity for some quiet bush walks and to sample some of the fine seafood in the local pub.  The bird life was amazing and each morning we were greeted by a group of cheeky Kaka parrots wanting some nuts.  Just wandering around the island listening to the bird life reminded us of what New Zealand must have once sounded like. 

Day three and our short time on the Island was over.  We were left with a feeling of a great relaxed atmosphere, amazing bird life, and we all agreed the need to go back and spend some more time in this amazing part of New Zealand.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Matched Twin Exchange Selection Day

Today Chris and I had the opportunity to attend the Matched Twin Exchange Selection day in Palmerston North.  This programme matched Australian and NewZealand Students aged between 14-16 and then each pair spends 3 months living with each others family.  Here we heard the amazing experiences from two of the three candidates who have just returned from their exchange to Australia.  Seven prospective New Zealand candidates also introduced themselves.  The committee then gave a background to the programme and discussed aspects of the programme with the candidates.  It was a fun day where we met some great young New Zealanders.  We wish them well and would like to thank the committee for doing a great job running this programme.

DG with Inward and Outward students

Friday, October 5, 2012


Dear Rotary Friends:

Greetings from Evanston on a near perfect autumn afternoon.

I write to inform you that next month, during the traditional celebration of November as Rotary Foundation month, our General Secretary, John Hewko, and his wife, Marga, will participate in a unique fundraising project for polio eradication, Rotary’s number one priority.  John and Marga will participate in a 111-mile bike ride in Tucson, Arizona, USA.  The El Tour de Tucson is a top US cycling event and will draw more than 9,000 participants.  I ask you to consider supporting John and Marga as they lead by example in this physically demanding endeavor.  I would also ask that you make Rotarians in your area aware of this Ride to End Polio.  Please log into Member Access here, which will give you the option to contribute to GS Hewko – Ride to End Polio.   All contributions will receive Paul Harris Fellow recognition credit. Clubs and districts will be credited for these polio contributions.

Two years ago, many of you generously supported me when I ran the Milwaukee Marathon as a fundraiser for polio eradication.  Now I ask you to support our General Secretary and his wife.  John and Marga are diligently training for this event, so let’s show them how much we appreciate their efforts.  Please join me in making a gift in support of Rotary’s top goal:  a polio-free world.

Best regards,
John T. Osterlund
General Manager
The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International

Our City a Backwater?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Quieter Week In Wellington

This week has seen a quieter week back in Wellington with visits to three clubs.  On Monday night we visited Johnsonville Club where we presented a community PHF and two long service awards to Club members.  The club runs a very successful annual book sale where they raise around $20k for club projects.

On Tuesday we have visits to Wellington Central and Mt Victoria Clubs.  Wellington Central is a lunch club and run their very successful Circus Quirkus children's activity.  Money from this very successful project is channeled back into their Charitable Trust where people can apply for funds for projects that benefit youth.

In the evening we visited the Mt Victoria Club, a small club that runs a variety of meeting formats during the month.  Again they have a very successful project with their $5 note fundraising project - selling signed notes by Sir Edmund Hillary.

The week finished with a visit to the Hutt Valley Club to present a certificate to Joanna Newlove for completing the Rotary Leadership Institute Course - well done Joanna.

Another great week where we saw the power of Rotary and great projects being run in the community.