Saturday, August 18, 2012

Week 7. Visits in the Hutt Valley and Wellington

With President Paul Giles, Eastern Hutt
This week was spent closer to home.  On Monday evening we visited Eastern Hutt.  A old friend and past work colleague had managed to find some old incriminating photos from the past which were used to good effect in my introduction, which may have lasted longer than my speech to the club.  It was a pleasure to induct 2 new members into the club.  It was a fun night with much laughter and reminiscing of the past.

 With Christine giles, Eastern Hutt
Tuesday was an opportunity to visit my old home town of Petone and a visit to the Rotary Club of Petone.  Here we saw one of the projects that they are supporting – Te Huinga O Te Whanau “the gathering of the people”.  This is a group of members of resident tenants who dream, plan and contribute to improving their community and family lives through community involvement.  Petone Rotary is helping maintain and develop a meeting place for this group.  It was a time to talk to my old Head master from Wilford School, reminisce on the past, and tell a few tales.

Presentation of PHY to Judith Clark
Wednesday started early with a visit to the breakfast club of Hutt Valley.  We were privileged to present a community PHF to Judith Clarke for her work in organizing the reader helpers for local schools.  It was fantastic to see her family there for the presentation.  Thanks are also due to Joanna Newlove for her efforts in  organizing the promotion of Rotary at the recent Women’s Expo in Wellington.  In the evening we attended Wellington Harbour City where we had a great fun filled evening.  It was particularly pleasing to present the club with a Club Centurion Award for 2011/12, and then Centurion awards and pins to all club members, the first club in our District where all members have qualified to become Centurion members.  My congratulations and thanks to the club and all members for their support of the Rotary Foundation.

Thursday saw us in Palmerston North for the VTT farewell – see separate BLOG.
The coming week sees us visiting the Rotary Clubs of Pahiatua, Dannevirke and Foxton.

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