Friday, April 6, 2012

DGE March Update

A short report this month!  Following SP PETS on 3-5 March our main focus has been on planning for the year ahead. 

A large task has been bringing together all of the material for the District Directory which now well in hand.  This year we plan to put the main directory out in digital format that people can down and print from the District web site if they wish.  Rotarians will however be supplied with a simplified four page directory listing the 2012/13 calendar and brief details of AGs, Presidents, and District Chairs.

Further planning has gone into preparing for District Changeover, which is now less than 2 months away, and joint District Conference on ANZAC weekend 2013.  Plans are coming together well and we are looking forward to some great events.

All of our dates are set for our club visits with the final visit being to the Rotary Club of Plimmerton on November 15 when we hope for a big party.

Our focus for this month is District Conference, and attendance at the District Advisory Board and District Board meetings.  Planning is also well underway for District Assembly next month on 20 May.

Towards the end of the month Chris and I head away for several weeks in the UK and Europe, our last break before the year begins in earnest.

Graeme and Chris

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