Sunday, November 6, 2011

DGE Activities October 2011

The heavy focus for Chris and I this month has been on completing our training material and to start training and building up a working relationship with the new Assistant Governors elects and President elects.  Only 5 clubs are still to appoint PEs.

On 16 October with the help of Deb Gimblett (DGN), Dexter Bambery (PDG) and Tony Fryer (PDG), an AG training day was held in Foxton.  It was a good chance to meet the AGs and talk over plans for the coming year and set a focus for the year.  A warm day saw us all having a relaxed BBQ lunch and a chance to get to know each other a little more.

Last weekend we held the first of two PETs 1 training sessions.  This meeting in Wanganui was for PEs and AGs in the northern clusters.  Along with setting the scene for next year and assisting PEs with planning for their year, it provided an opportunity for the AGs and PEs for each cluster to come together and get to know each other.  My thanks to Adrienne Murray and Philip Reidy who also came up Wanganui to collect the details of all the new PEs and photograph everyone for next years Directory. 

In the coming month the second PETs 1 session will be held in Tawa.  Chris and I also head off to Brisbane for a multi-district Rotary Institute and an opportunity to meet up with all of the current DG, DGNs, DGEs for a two day training session.  It will also be a time to start looking at filling all of the other District positions and start preparing the Directory.

The District Changeover and Conference committee continue to make excellent progress and plans are well in hand.  We continue to work closely with our District 9920 counterparts to arrange speakers for the joint conference in Rotorua.

The District Changeover and Conference committee continue to make excellent progress and plans are well in hand.  We continue to work closely with our District 9920 counterparts to arrange speakers for the joint conference in Rotorua.

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